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What To Watch On Netflix In Spanish?

what to watch on netflix in spanish practice and learn spanish the best movies and series

If you want to speak Spanish you have to train your ear to the language, and what better way to improve your listening skills than by watching a movie or a series in Spanish? Watching Spanish TV shows is the best way to improve listening and learn typical expressions, So I have made a list of What To Watch On Netflix In Spanish?.

Netflix Series Narcos practice spanish with tv shows learn spanish

1. Narcos

The authorities of Colombia and the United States face the drug lord Pablo Escobar, who is increasingly powerful and willing to do whatever it takes to preserve his empire.

Las autoridades de Colombia y EE UU se enfrentan al capo de la droga Pablo Escobar, cada vez más poderoso y dispuesto a hacer lo que sea para conservar su imperio.

La Reina Del Sur watch series in Spanish practice spanish

2. La Reina Del Sur

Teresa Mendoza, a young woman from Sinaloa has to escape to Melilla, Spain where she becomes a legend of drug trafficking. Then, after 8 years they make the second season set in Italy, Spain and Mexico.

Teresa Mendoza, una joven de Sinaloa tiene que escapar a Melilla, España donde se hace una leyenda del narcotráfico. Luego, después de 8 años hacen la segunda temporada ambientada en Italia, España y México.

Latin American food Spanish series What to watch on netflix to practice spanish

3. Street Food: Latin America

In this exciting docuserie, Latin American chefs tell their stories and bring traditional and innovative flavors to their delicious creations. Each episode is in a different country: Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Peru, Colombia and Bolivia.

En esta emocionante docuserie, cocineros latinoamericanos cuentan sus historias y aportan a sus deliciosas creaciones sabores tradicionales e innovadores. Cada episodio es en un país diferente: Argentina, Brasil, México, Perú, Colombia y Bolivia.

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4. Las Chicas Del Cable

In the Madrid of the 1920s, four girls experience romances, friendships and social changes in their workplace: the newborn telephone company. Then the season finale is set during the Spanish Civil War.

En el Madrid de los años 20, cuatro chicas viven romances, amistades y cambios sociales en su lugar de trabajo: la recién nacida compañía de teléfonos. Luego, el final de temporada está ambientada durante la Guerra Civil española.

The invisible guest Spanish movie What to watch on netflix to practice spanish

5. The Invisible Guest

A young Spanish businessman wakes up next to the lifeless body of his lover and hires a prestigious lawyer to investigate what happened.

Un joven empresario español se despierta junto al cuerpo sin vida de su amante y contrata a una prestigiosa abogada para investigar qué sucedió.

Wasp Network penelope cruz movie in Spanish What to watch on netflix to practice spanish

6. La Red Avispa

This film has a Spanish (Penelope Cruz) and Latin American (Edgar Ramirez, Wagner Moura, Ana de Armas) cast. It is based on the true story of several Cuban spies who infiltrated exile groups in Miami in the 1990s to stop terrorist actions against their island.

Esta película tiene un reparto español (Penélope Cruz) y latinoamericano (Edgar Ramírez, Wagner Moura, Ana de Armas). Está basada en la historia real de varios espías cubanos que se infiltraron en grupos de exiliados en Miami en los años 90 para detener acciones terroristas contra su isla.

Hands of stone movie in Spanish What to watch on netflix to practice spanish

7. Hands Of Stone

This movie, based on real events, was made between Panama and the United States. With the help of a legend (Robert De Niro), Roberto Durán leaves his difficult childhood behind to become one of the best boxers in history.

Esta película, basada en hechos reales, se hizo entre Panamá y Estados Unidos. Con la ayuda de una leyenda (Robert De Niro), Roberto Durán deja atrás su difícil infancia para convertirse en uno de los mejores boxeadores de la historia.